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Hip & Pelvic Pain Relief in Bundaberg

Finding Balance From the Ground Up

woman with hip painYour pelvis is more than just a part of your body – it’s the foundation of your spine. Much like a building, if your foundation is out of balance, it can affect everything above and below. At Family Chiropractic Bundaberg, we understand that hip and pelvic issues may significantly impact your daily life, causing discomfort and limiting your mobility.

How Our Daily Lives Impact the Pelvis

In our busy Australian lives, we often overlook how our daily habits affect our bodies. Common causes of hip and pelvic problems include prolonged sitting, incorrect sitting postures, repetitive strain from work or hobbies, and manual labour.

Our team doesn’t just treat your symptoms; we help you identify and modify these habits to prevent the issue from recurring. Hip and pelvic problems often manifest in ways you might not expect, such as

  • Groin pain
  • Hip pain when lying in bed
  • Discomfort while walking
  • Low back pain
  • Difficulty with simple tasks like putting on shoes, socks, or underwear

If these symptoms sound familiar, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with these issues without realising pelvic problems are the root cause.

The Hidden Cause: Pelvic Misalignment

The “hip” pain many people experience frequently stems from pelvic misalignment rather than the hip joint itself. However, in some cases, this joint may actually be the source of your dysfunction. Our skilled chiropractors will conduct a thorough assessment to pinpoint the exact cause of your symptoms and determine the most beneficial care plan.

Your Journey to Pain-Free Living Starts Here

At Family Chiropractic Bundaberg, we believe in empowering you to take control of your health. Our chiropractic approach focuses on restoring balance to your pelvis, which in turn supports your entire spine. By addressing the root cause, we help you find lasting relief and improved mobility.

Ready to build a stronger foundation for your body? Contact our practice today to book in. Together, we’ll work towards a life where hip and pelvic pain no longer hold you back.


Hip & Pelvic Pain Relief Bundaberg QLD | (07) 4181 1464