Raising Awareness about Spinal Health

With half of Australians not sufficiently physically active, residents of Bundaberg are being encouraged to ‘Get Spine Active’ and take control of their spinal health this World Spine Day.
Celebrated each year on 16th October, people from around the world come together to raise awareness about spinal disorders and empower others to take charge of their spinal health.
An annual initiative of the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, World Spine Day is accompanied by the 2019 theme ‘Get Spine Active’ and local chiropractors Dr Stuart Williams from Family Chiropractic Bundaberg believes there is no better time to spread this important message.
Being physically active can greatly help your spinal health by strengthening your muscles and easing the pressure on your spine.
Get Spine Active
While the ‘Get Spine Active’ theme aims to focus on the benefits of exercise and daily movement for maintaining health, it’s important to think about how all daily habits can affect your spine.
‘Get Spine Active’ will focus on common physical activities including running, swimming, weightlifting and cycling, with the aim of encouraging all Australians to incorporate one of these activities or other healthy habits into their everyday lives.
Other forms of physical activity can include stretching, walking and taking small breaks during your workday.
Walking is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Making a commitment to walking 30 minutes a day is a great way to ensure you are experiencing the benefits of regular exercise and can be used as a gateway to more challenging exercises.
Family Chiropractic Bundaberg is encouraging the community to get active this World Spine Day and take steps to improve their spinal health.
You can come along to a community walking event on World Spine Day – Wednesday 16th October.
From 6.30am we’ll be doing a 30 minute group walk, leaving from Family Chiropractic Bundaberg (3 Branyan Street), through Alexandra Park, down along the river to River Cruz Café, and back to the Practice.
Join us for a enjoyable time moving your body in a healthy way.
Participants can also choose to download the Just Start Walking app, developed by the ACA. Users of the Just Start Walking app can walk anytime, anywhere with the app mapping your walks, tracking kilometres, saving walks and displaying local walks. The app also allows users to set reminders to receive a notification of when it’s time to walk.
Get Just Start Walking App
Book in you and a friend! You can do this online by clicking the “Reserve Your Place Here” button below or phoning our reception team on (07) 4181 1464.